My Take on the Presidential Debates now that they’re over

The end of the republic and its participatory democracy depends on what kind of president Hillary Clinton (HC) turns out to be if elected, and if the Democrats can take back at least one of the Houses of Congress and hold it.  That will be difficult since the GOP has gerrymandered the states they control to rig local and state elections that keeps them in power (watch the video with this post about how they did it).

If Hillary turns out to be a great president, who isn’t owned by Wall Street as her critics repeatedly allege, then she’ll be in a position to extend America’s lifespan as a republic. After all, as NPR reported, the Clintons have weathered: Whitewater, 1992; Travelgate, 1993; Vince Foster’s Death, 1993; Paula Jones/Monica Lewinsky, 1994; Filegate, 1996; Behngahzi, 2012; the Clinton Foundation, 2015, and the Private Email Server, 2015. For details, click the NPR link above to read their report dated June 21, 2016.

If Donald Trump (DT) wins the White House, the American experiment as a republic with a participatory democracy is over, but that is a very long shot unless DT, Wikileaks, and/or Putin have some serious dirt on HC that will blow her out of the saddle. That dirt, true or not, will have to be powerful enough to overcome all the scandals that Trump keeps adding to his pile of dung, as women continue to reveal more alleged sexual abuse in An Exhaustive List of the Allegations Women Have Made Against Donald Trump.

As for DT coming out of the third debate looking better, the answer is no.  He played to his audience, the deplorables, repeating lies, repeating myths that have never been proven, repeating he can fix everything and only he can do it; she’s a lair, a crook, but he did not appeal to most if not all of the undecideds.

DT did manage to stay behind his podium and control the sniffles that he has claimed, after the other debates, didn’t happen (what a sad-sack of a disgraceful clown this freak of the underworld is). I think, only twice did he actually sniffle in the 3rd debate, and then managed to cut the sniffles short.

His daughter, the one he wants to date and probably grope if he hasn’t already done it, or his entire family, must have sat on him before the debate so he wouldn’t sniff cocaine to boost a bully’s courage. They probably wouldn’t even let him go to the bathroom alone.

But DT double blew it when he refused to say he’d accept the outcome of the election.  He blew it again by disagreeing with the moderator more than once, a conservative FOX network moderator who tossed facts at DT proving Trump wrong more than once, that The Donald refused to accept, or ignored, as he plowed on with his long list of conspiracy theories.

With several screens open, I also fact checked DT on a few  of his always wrong claims, and after the debate, I read what Nate Silver’s site FiveThirtyEight had to say about the debate as the misinformation and/or lies poured out of Trump’s mouth like dirty, greasy, brackish toilet water.

For instance, Trump claimed the women’s allegations, not counting the latest allegation of sexual misconduct that appeared the day after the 3rd debate, had been debunked, but none of the fact checkers found anything to support that latest lie.  The only thing the fact checkers found was a witness on that flight where DT allegedly groped the women sitting next to him. That man said he didn’t see anything happen. Where was this guy seated?  Was he watching DT and the woman every single second? To discover how invalid a more than 30 year old memory is when nothing significant happens, I suggest reading what Oliver Sacks has to say on the subject of the accuracy of memory in Speak, Memory published by The New York Review of Books in February 2013.

How Republicans set up a decade-long advantage over Democrats

I know enough about how faulty our memoires are to know that this alleged witness probably didn’t even remember flying that day. I mean, do you remember what you were doing more than 30 years ago in detail unless some alleged billionaire, celebrity pervert gave you a reason to remember by sticking his hand up your skirt while reaching for and/or fondling your vagina.

Even Donald Trump probably doesn’t remember the women he has fondled and groped because there have been so many.

Nate Silver has repeatedly pointed out after every debate that it takes about a week for the results to come in through polls to find out if a debate made a difference in public opinion, so we have to wait a few days to see if the odds change dramatically in DT’s favor, or not.

Silver said he was following the overseas betting sites before, during, and after the debate. “Betting markets are completely unmoved so far,” Silver said, “showing almost same odds they did half an hour before the debate (Trump’s at 17.1 percent to win the election now, as compared with 17.4 percent before). Does that mean it’s a draw so far? I don’t know. Trump’s been better on the substance than he was in the first two debates. But he’s also been on the verge of losing his temper on a couple of occasions. And Clinton’s probably had her most consistent performance so far.”

What an underworld freak Donald Trump is, because he can’t be human, a creature of nature.


Lloyd Lofthouse is the award-winning author of My Splendid Concubine [3rd edition]. This is the unique love story Sir Robert Hart didn’t want the world to discover. Based on a true story.


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Responses to “My Take on the Presidential Debates now that they’re over”

  1. Nalini Davison Avatar
    Nalini Davison

    good one!!:)

    1. Lloyd Lofthouse Avatar

      Thank you.


  2. Susan Lee Schwartz Avatar

    I love your descriptions of Trump. You nailed him.
    At thismdment, Iam so ashamed that the world is watching this clown, and our allies are pissing their pants.

    1. Lloyd Lofthouse Avatar

      Thank you.

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