How popular is MAGA Man

MAGA Man means “Moscow’s Agent Governing America”. If Donald Trump was playing himself in a superhero film, MAGA Man would not be the hero, because he is a supervillain.

When I’m curious and want to find out what the polls are saying about MAGA Man, I turn to two sites. Both sites use most if not all of the reputable polls to come up with an average. To understand what this means, I suggest you read FiveThiryEight’s, “How We’re Tracking Donald Trump’s Approval Ratings”.

Five Thirty Eight’s How Popular is Donald Trump:

On April 12, the day I published this blog post, MAGA Man’s approval rating was 41.9 percent with 52.8 percent disapproving.  That means 5.3-percent did not have an opinion.

The other site is Real Clear Politics (RCP):

RCP average for President Trump Job Approval on 4-11 was 43.2 percent vs 52.8 percent that disapproves of him, and 4-percent did not have an opinion. This average came from too many polls to count (click the link for Real Clear Politics and scroll down to discover what I mean).

Only a supervillain called MAGA Man would be capable of lying and claiming his approval rating is 55-percent when there is no way even if he added the people who didn’t have an opinion for MAGA Man to come up 55-percent unless he’s really bad at math. If that was true, that might explain all of MAGA Man’s bankruptcies and failed businesses.

On April 11, 2019, Trump Touts 55 Percent Approval From Poll that Found 43 percent Approval.

How would this translate if the 2020 election were held today?

In 2016, 138-million Americans voted.

In 2018, Midterm Voter Turnout Hit 50-Year High. NPR reported, “Voter turnout on Tuesday was massive: More than 47 percent of the voting-eligible population cast a ballot in the midterm elections on Tuesday, according to early estimates from the United States Election Project.

“Almost half of possible voters actually voted” might not sound impressive. But for a U.S. midterm election, it’s a whopping figure. Compare that with just 36.7 percent in 2014, and 41 percent in 2010.

That’s the highest turnout for a midterm since 1966, when 49 percent of the population turned up to vote.”

How many Americans will vote in 2020?  The Pew Research Center gives us a hint.

“The 2020 U.S. presidential election is rapidly coming into view – and so is the electorate that will determine its outcome.

“While demographic changes unfold slowly, it’s already clear that the 2020 electorate will be unique in several ways. Nonwhites will account for a third of eligible voters – their largest share ever – driven by long-term increases among certain groups, especially Hispanics. At the same time, one-in-ten eligible voters will be members of Generation Z, the Americans who will be between the ages of 18 and 23 next year. That will occur as Millennials and all other older generations account for a smaller share of eligible voters than they did in 2016.”

MAGA Man is unpopular with nonwhites and younger voters.  His support base is made up of mostly older white men and that group will account for “a smaller share of elegies voters than they did in 2016”.

My prediction, MAGA Man, aka Donald Trump, will lose the popular vote in 2020 with a gap of at least 14-million votes for a total of about 62- million (for MAGA Man) to 77-million for whoever runs against him.

The 2016 presidential polls were correct when they predicted Hillary Clinton would win the election, but they did not factor in Russia’s meddling. Trump lost the popular vote by almost three-million votes but won the Electoral College with less than 80k votes in three battleground states where Russia focused most of its meddling.

Would an honest man lie more than 8,000 times during his first two years as President of the United States?


Lloyd Lofthouse is a former U.S. Marine and Vietnam combat veteran with a BA in journalism and an MFA in writing, who taught in the public schools for thirty years (1975 – 2005).

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Response to “How popular is MAGA Man”

  1. rangerdon Avatar

    Interesting post about Mr. Make American Great Again Trump.

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