Rittenhouse Benefitted from a Well-Funded Defense Team

Millions of dollars was donated to pay for the lawyers that defended Rittenhouse in court leading to a jury verdict that Rittenhouse was innocent. The reason for those donations didn’t have anything to do with Rittenhouse being innocent or guilty. that money was spent to send a message that it was okay to kill people if those murders support white supremacy.

Diane Ravitch's blog

We have had some animated discussion on this blog about whether the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse was “fair,” since he walks away a free man despite murdering two men and maiming a third.

Paul Butler, a law professor at Georgetown University and a contributing columnist to the Washington Post, wrote on this subject today:

Kyle Rittenhouse beat his case because he put on the best defense money can buy.

Don’t believe the hype that Rittenhouse, who was prosecuted for homicide after shooting three people at a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wis., in August 2020 was acquitted because self-defense cases are tough for prosecutors to win. More than 90 percent of people who are prosecuted for any crime, including homicide, plead guilty. The few who dare to go to trial usually lose — including in murder cases.

Rittenhouse’s $2 million legal defense funds enabled his lawyers, before his trial…

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