Republican Leader: The Election Is Over

On January 6, 2021, Trump may once again attempt a coup to take over the country. Let your members of Congress know that you will not tolerate any attempt to subvert the U.S. Constitution. We will not accept Trump under any circumstances over the U.S. Constitution. Joe Biden will be president of the United States on January 20, 2021. Trump lost the election. No matter how many times Trump repeats the word fraud, there was no fraud. Trump has lost almost 60 court cases attempting to subvert the elections in several states. Trump’s lawyers lost those lawsuits in court because they had no evidence of fraud during the 2020 election.

Diane Ravitch's blog

Trevor Potter is a Republican who was former chairman of the Federal Election Commission and president of the Campaign Legal Center. He writes here about efforts by Trump and his surrogates to promote their belief that the election can be overturned to Congress on January 6, when the Electoral College results are presented to Congress. The Trump campaign has chosen “alternate slates of electors” and will pressure Republicans to accept them, even though they do not represent the voters of their states and were not certified by the Secretary of State or the Governor.

Potter wrote in the Washington Post:

Jan. 6 is not another Election Day. Don’t let President Trump convince you it is.

What will happen then — a joint session of Congress to receive the presidential and vice-presidential election results transmitted by the states — typically occurs every four years in relative obscurity. But this election cycle…

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