Dana Milbank: Bill Barr Is a Trump Sycophant

William Barr is the fascist Donald Trump has dreamed about since he lied while taking the Oath of Office on January 20, 2017. Trump wanted a thug and he got one in William Barr.

Diane Ravitch's blog

Dana Milbank watched Bill Barr testify before the House Judiciary Committee and wrote this in the Washington Post:

Here comes the caravan!

In 2018, when things were looking grim for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections, President Trump conjured a crisis. He declared “an invasion of our country” by Central American migrant caravans full of “stone cold criminals,” “unknown Middle Easterners” and “gang members” who were “putting our country in great danger.”
Trump mobilized 2,100 National Guard members and then, days before the election, 5,200 active-duty U.S. troops. He declared a national emergency and told voters to “blame the Democrats.” The voters didn’t fall for the phony crisis, and the caravan menace fizzled.

Now another electoral reckoning approaches, and Trump is following the same script. This time, he proclaims that “sick and deranged Anarchists & Agitators” in Portland, Ore., and Seattle seek to “destroy our American cities, and worse.”


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