Paul Waldman Remembers When Republicans Thought Trump Was a Charlatan and a Kook

Diane Ravitch's blog

Paul Waldman of the Washington Post went down memory lane with prominent Republicans who called out Trump as a phony before he was elected.


On Friday, the president of the United States called in to the daily festival of idiocy that is “Fox & Friends,” where he blathered and rambled for an entire hour. He slandered people, repeated ludicrous conspiracy theories, told numerous lies, and devolved into incoherence, leaving even the show’s trio of devoted handmaids puzzled and confused.

In other words, it was a typical morning in the Trump era. As Republicans buckle down to defend him in the next phase of the impeachment process, they have made clear that there is almost no malfeasance on Trump’s part they will not countenance and no betrayal of his office they will not excuse.

What makes their own moral complicity even more profound is that this didn’t come as…

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