Despondency – The Daily Blogging Battle

Suzie asks:”Do you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle with the constant updates, changes and spam messages?”

My reply: I ignore them because we are all being plagued by this pop-up crap, and I’m sure the readers to my blogs can take care of themselves.

Suzie Speaks

The last few weeks have been pretty amazing, particularly with the once-in-a-lifetime experiences that The Bloke and I have participated in for his birthday. I’ve also had quite a buzz from blogging every day over the last week, rediscovering my enjoyment of simply writing things down and interacting with the community. I spent hours putting together a large and detailed post yesterday, sent it out across my social media, replied to my comments and then settled in for the evening. I always get a huge sense of satisfaction when I’ve done large post – those are the ones that are often evergreen and bring in the most amount of views over a long period of time.

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